Working together to innovate now

Working together to innovate now

Confinement, uncertainty and indecision can encourage withdrawal or even inaction. Conversely, openness, trust and collaboration open new avenues for growth and action. This is what we offer.

The year 2020 has set the record straight. Health is the engine of the economy. Digital transformation is not an expense, but an investment. Total talent management is not an abstraction, but an opening to the world and its diversity. Cost reduction is not an end, but a springboard for investing in innovation.

Described as a perfect storm, the one we have been experiencing requires the renewal of strategies and operating instructions proven in the past but unsuited to the new reality. Confinement, uncertainty and indecision can encourage withdrawal or even inaction. Conversely, openness, trust and collaboration open new avenues for growth and action.

To do this, unifying business, technology and talent management functions is the key to recovery. By working together, these functions can achieve a common goal: moving in the same direction to create tomorrow’s customer experience, gain operational efficiencies, transform data into business intelligence, create value, and succeed in your digital shift.

Robotic and cognitive financial automation improves operational efficiency and reduces costs. But it offers more. It can model billions of transactions, discern trends, and identify investment levers within a multitude of data to finance strategic initiatives. In doing so, it makes the finance function a true business partner within the company.

  • Do your systems and processes allow you to be a catalyst for digital transformation by transforming your data into business intelligence?
  • Do your indicators allow you to prioritize your investments based on objectives that may change without notice?
  • Do you have a cross-functional vision of the real-time profitability of your products and services that allows you to simultaneously direct your investments towards what generates added value?
  • Do your tools allow you to use your data to anticipate trends and inverst in strategic projects?

Your solutions

A one-stop shop to optimize your talent management

Change management, on-site and remote performance assessment, redeployment of staff in response to new market conditions, integration of artificial intelligence in human resources management, etc., the challenges facing talent management involve all the players in your organization. These challenges make talent management the trump card of a successful digital transformation. However, enough bandwidth must be available to fulfill this role.

  • Can your resources manage all aspects of your talent value chain, both onsite and remotely, during normal and peak periods?
  • Are you able to effectively manage change while addressing resistance and the need for training, communication and mitigation?
  • Do your processes and systems allow for predictive recruiting to identify the best talent in advance based on profiles, specialties and sectors?
  • Do you have a program to create new skills for occupations that will exist soon?

Your solutions

  • Total talent management
  • Change management
  • Agile recruitment models
  • Full or partial outsourced recruitment models

Increase your ability to deliver IT project portfolios

Developing mobile applications, deploying teleworking on a large scale, automating technical support and strengthening security by migrating to the cloud, the priorities of IT managers are in tune with the new business reality: mobility, performance and security. The challenge is elsewhere: increasing delivery capacity. The chronic shortage of IT talent slows down, or even makes impossible the delivery of vital projects and project portfolios.

  • Do you have enough development teams, and do they have the necessary experience to deliver project portfolios in both agile (DevOps and DevSecOps) and traditional modes?
  • Do your capabilities allow you to quickly deploy teleworking in your organization?
  • Are your infrastructures, systems and applications at the cutting edge of innovation?
  • Are you able to anticipate threats and deploy countermeasures to ensure business continuity and protect your data and those of your stakeholders?

Your solutions

From supply management to demand management

If cost reduction is the priority, it is no longer the supply chain managers’ only one. Creating value is just as essential, as the function evolves from supply management to demand management. The supply chain of the 21st century is an ecosystem of stakeholders interacting for the benefit of customers and their interests.

  • Does your supply chain enable stakeholders to work together to achieve common goals in the service of customers?
  • Can your supply chain adapt quickly to volatile cost, revenue, market and demand conditions?
  • Does your supply chain enable you to leverage proximity to your stakeholders to achieve cost savings?
  • Does your supply chain make you a business partner in a value-creating ecosystem, or is it just a low-cost management tool?

Your solutions

  • Accelerated digital transformation strategy
  • Robotic process automation
  • Integration of integrated management solutions
  • Strategic planning and customer support

Relaunching activities: a team effort

Organizations are collaborating to create the Le Panier bleu, a showcase for local shopping, and implement initiatives such as #OnSeSerreLesCoudesA company reaches an agreement with its suppliers to reduce its volume of orders placed. According to the general manager of the Groupement des chefs d’entreprise (GCE), the new way of sharing information accelerates the potential for collaboration in Quebec, but also internationally. One could multiply the examples where teamwork proves that collaboration between the actors of a value chain is not only an asset, but also a condition for the possibility of recovery. The turbulence we are going through offers the perfect opportunity to create new conditions for success, new sources of growth and new performance indicators. Cofomo’s added value and solutions holds in one word: unification. Unification of business, technologies, talents and actions in a perspective of optimal collaboration for the benefit of the client and his interests. Let’s work together to innovate now!


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